Friday, April 30, 2004

Be proud! I'm no longer indecisive. I've come to a conclusion. But now what to do with this new found decision? Yeah, I don't know.

In other, less cryptic, news, class is over for the semester. Next week is finals. The one I'm most afraid of? Stats, of course. So much is riding on this final grade. It's insane. But thankfully, I'm actually motivated to study for this test. A lot. I've already figured out some things I was unsure about before.

In horse racing news (yes, I like horse racing. I like pretty much anything to do with horses), the Kentucky Derby is tomorrow. I've watched the Kentucky Derby for the past 11 years or so. I do love the Thoroughbreds.

The last episode of Friends EVER is next Thursday. It makes me incredibly sad. Last night's episode made me cry, I'll admit. I'm emotional. As long as it's about tv shows or movies. For the most part, I try not to get so emotional about my own life. Defense mechanism. Anyways, I know that even though I know what will happen in the final episode, it won't matter. I'll cry anyways.

Well, really, this entry is here because I'm bored out of my mind. Heh.

Monday, April 26, 2004

I think there's something wrong with me. One minute, I decide one thing... but then the next minute I decide another. And then the next minute? Yup, changed my mind again.

I guess I'm just really indecisive. Or I don't really know how I feel. Which might be the case.

Oh, confusion. Gotta love it.

I just realized that I'm being cryptic. But some people will understand. And everyone else can just ask.

And in the meantime, I'm trying to write a paper and I think I'm going crazy. Which might also explain why I keep changing my mind.
Yeah, I know. Another quiz. I can't help it. Tell Tory to stop posting them on her livejournal. She knows I can't resist a survey. ;-)

Who did you last get angry with? Some one who used part of one of my collages without crediting me.
What is your weapon of choice? usually I just glare.
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? if in self-defense, yes.
How about of the same sex? only if I was joking
What is your pet peeve? people who don't use their signals when driving. I need to know when you're turning... I can't read minds! Also people who are fake. They just make lives more complicated... say what you mean and mean what you say.
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? it depends. There are still a few people I hate for making my elementary school life so miserable. Usually, I can forgive, but I don't forget.

What is one thing that you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time? make my bed. I rarely ever do. What's the point if I'm just going to mess it up again a few hours later?
Who is a person that you've meant to contact, but you haven't? probably Bev. And Kate! I haven't talked to her in forever!
What's the last lame excuse you made? i dunno.
Have you ever watched an infomercial completely through? yes. The bullet. It looks fun!
When was the last time you got a good workout in? last week sometime, I think.
How many times did you hit the snooze button this morning? a lot. Heh.

What is your overpriced yuppie drink of choice? what exactly makes a DRINK yuppie? I guess iced white chocolate mochas from Starbucks. But I don't have it often. Maybe tomorrow, after I get my stats test back, if I did well.
Meat eater? I only eat chicken.
What's the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting / outing / event? umm... probably one night during 4th of July weekend last summer. I had a few shots of vanilla vodka, and some mixed drinks.
Have you ever used a professional diet company? nope.
Do you have an issue with your weight? yes. It's horrible. I shouldn't. But I do.
Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods? I don't like spicy foods. Sweet and salty foods are both good, just not at the same time and not in large portions.
Have you ever looked at a small housepet or child and thought, "LUNCH!"? dude. That's so wrong on so many levels! Though sometimes I look at my dog, whose name is Brownie, and think "mmm... I want a brownie."

How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies / family)? 1
How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians / family)? 1
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest / crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? hahaha, well that's not very subtle, is it? And no.
Have you ever "done it?" haha, the wording of this question is so mature. And no.
What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice? eyes, smile.
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? nope.
Have you ever had to be tested for an STD? nope.

How many credit cards do you own? I have an Express card, a Gap card, and my debit card doubles as a mastercard (another added benefit of using Citibank)
What's your guilty pleasure store? Express. Or Neiman Marcus (though I never buy anything from there... it's all waaay too expensive)
If you had $1 million, what would you do with it? pay for the rest of college. And maybe go horseback riding a lot.
Would you rather be rich or famous? rich... I'm not a big fan of the spotlight.
Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? just a boring job? I can spice up any boring job. ;-)
Have you ever stolen anything? nope.
How many mp3's are on your hard drive? ummm... I don't know. 200, maybe.

What is one thing that you've done that you're most proud of? sadly, I can't think of anything.
What one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of? gone to college and lasted more than a year.
What thing would you like to accomplish in life? help people... and animals.
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? usually, i'm just excited that I did well enough to be in second!
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing that you were of a much higher skill than the other competitors? yes... if you count horse showing is a contest of skill. That's what happens when I look as young as some of the other competitors, yet I've been riding for twice as long as they have.
Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score? no.
What did you do today that you're proud of? wrote some of my stupid paper.

What item (or person) of your friends' would you most want to have for your own? umm... I don't know. I don't usually covet what other people have, especially my friends. Maybe Tory's dog, Buddy. 'Cause he's so cute. And he makes funny faces.
Who would you go on "Trading Spaces" with? umm... I dunno...
If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be? I don't bother thinking about this question, but I guess Jennifer Garner. 'Cause she gets to kiss Michael Vartan every day. And she has an adorable dog.
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? that I was taller. Though now I'm pretty content with my height. Rather, I've come to terms with the fact that I will never be tall.
What in-born trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? a faster metabolism. And maybe more of a drive to do things.

Friday, April 23, 2004

So I was really dumb last night and decided to read spoilers for Friends. So I know what's going to happen in the finale. And now I can't WAIT because it's going to be AMAZING. However, the end won't be a surprise, which kind of sucks. Then again, either way, I'm probably going to be in hysterics. I won't say in here what's going to happen... You'll want it to be a surprise, trust me. But I will say that it looks like there will be flashbacks (from previous episodes)... so I will be teary-eyed. I love Friends.

Now that I just went on and on about Friends, why don't I just devote this entry to Friends? I could talk about my stats test I just took... but if I do, I run the risk of my head imploding. And we don't want that. At least, I don't. ANYWAYS. So here are my favorite Friends episodes ever... at least, out of the Friends episodes that I've seen (or remember seeing):

The One With Chandler In a Box- This is the Thanksgiving ep where Chandler is in a box to show how much his friendship with Joey means to him after he kisses Joey's girlfriend. And Michael Vartan guest stars as Richard Burke's son. I mean... MV AND Friends? How can I not love it? ("You'll have to wear a patch." "Like a pirate?" "If that helps you.") ("And there's the added excitement of who gets who." "Who gets WHOM... I don't know why I do that.")

The One With a Chick and a Duck- The chick is just adorable! And the way Chandler's paternal instincts kick in when he's around it is hilarious... like when he's singing to the chick... and at the very end, when he and Chandler are letting the duck swim in their bathtub and they test whether the chick can swim. Plus, Rachel hurts herself and Ross ditches his Discovery channel taping to help her out, showing his devotion to her, even though they have broken up. It was sooo sweet... and angst filled. And I do love that angst. (Chandler running into Monica and Rachel's apartment, asking Rachel and Ross: "Oh good! Do you know how to get a chick out of a VCR?") (Chandler, carrying the duck to the hall: "Now you stay out here and you think about what you did!" Ross, seeing him: "That's a duck." Chandler: "That's a bad duck!!")

The One With the Prom Video- Ross is hung up on Rachel, but after the group sees an old home video of Monica and Rachel getting ready for their prom ("Dude, what's with your nose?") ("Some girl ate Monica!" "Shut up! The camera adds 10 pounds." "So how many cameras were on you?"), Rachel kisses Ross. The prom video shows how much Ross was willing to do anything for Rachel, even back then. Plus, it was the one where Phoebe says that Ross is Rachel's lobster. ("See, he's her lobster!")

The One the Morning After- Okay, this one was really sad and it made me cry... but it was so good. Ross, after a huge fight with Rachel, sleeps with the copyroom girl, and Rachel finds out and breaks up with him. As they break up, the rest of the gang are stuck in Monica's room and they listen to the break up. ("You're a totally different person to me now. I used to think of you as somebody who would never, ever hurt me, ever. God, and now I can't stop picturing you with her... I can't. It doesn't matter what you say or what you do, Ross. It's just changed everything. Forever." "Yeah, but this can't be it. I mean..." "Then how come it is?" :sniffle:)

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I took this survey from Tory. As usual. It's more of what my opinions are on certain issues.

Abortion?: I am very pro-choice. And no, this does not necessarily mean that I would ever have an abortion. It just means that I think that females should have the CHOICE what to do with their bodies. I like knowing that, if I ever end up in the situation... which I hope I never will... I have that choice. Making abortions illegal doesn't mean people will stop having abortions. Alleyway abortions will just make a comeback. Dirty and unsafe. Plus, some women will again try to give themselves an abortion. Their preferred method? A hangar. Again, dirty and unsafe. Oh, and for the record, I am not a fan of the term "pro-life"... it is NOT the opposite of pro-choice. Anyways, I could go on and on about this topic, but that's my opinion in a nutshell.

Death Penalty?: I'm actually kinda anti- the death penalty. For one, too many innocent people are being put to death. And I'm sure criminals would rather die than live in a prison their whole life... why should they get what they want? If they committed the crime, let them rot away in a jail cell for the rest of their lives. But at the same time, all these nice prisons have to go. Why should a felon have more of a chance to get an education than a child? There are millions of illiterate children in this country, why don't we worry about them first?

Prostitution?: It's sad, wrong, and dangerous. Unfortunately, it has been going on for centuries. I'm against it, obviously, but I don't know what to do to counter it.

Alcohol?: Yeah, I drink, but not as much as I used to (and that wasn't even a lot... about once a week). I actually like the way some of the stuff tastes. But I'm not a fan of getting drunk on a regular basis or binge drinking. And if you drink and drive, I think you might be the most irresponsible people out there. You're not only putting yourself at risk, you're putting others at risk. Drink yourself into a stupor, whatever... but don't drive.

Marijuana?: Never tried it... don't really want to... I know plenty of people who smoke it. Just keep it away from me.

Other drugs?: Ugh, they're bad. And the movie Thirteen scared me, 'cause there are middle school kids doing drugs. Which is horrible.

Gay marriage?: Ohhhh boy. Where to begin... I am for gay marriage. If two people love each other, they should be allowed to get married. No matter what their sexes are. Bush is worried about the sanctity of marriage... but half of the marriages end in divorce, and numerous people cheat on their spouse. What sanctity? People say that the Bible defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman... but NOT EVERYBODY FOLLOWS THE BIBLE.

Illegal immigrants?: Hm... I dunno what to say about this, really. I just think it's kinda odd how people born in the US are automatically citizens, yet those who aren't born in this country must take a crazy test to prove their loyalty to this country. Citizens born in the US are just as likely as anyone to do bad things.

Smoking?: I know a lot of people who smoke. I think it's sick. I hate when I'm walking to class on a nice day and then I take a deep breath... and choke on the smoke of someone's cigarette. Plus, I'm always afraid someone is going to burn me with their lit cigarette as they walk around, waving the hand that is hold the cigarette. And then the smokers who spit... they should really watch where they are spitting. Smoking is another one of those rude things... it's fine that you want to give yourself lung cancer. But don't give it to everyone around you as well.

Drunk driving?: I think I said what I wanted to say above. Drunk driving is completely irresponsible and rude.

Cloning?: Cloning organs and tissue, fine. It'll help people in need of an organ transplant. But cloning entire people and animals? It kind of creeps me out.

Racism?: With Sept. 11, racism increased again. I'm currently in a class called "psychology of prejudice" so I could go on and on and on about this. But I won't. Obviously, it's bad and I don't like it. Is it inevitable? I think so.

Premarital sex?: If you're mature enough to handle what comes with sex, the emotions and the possible outcomes, then by all means, go for it. Will I have premarital sex? I have no clue. I don't think sex comes with marriage... it should come with love. Not all marriages are carried out because of love, and not all relationships with love turn into marriage.

Religion?: I'm not a religious person, I never really was. That's just the way I was raised. Do I feel like I'm missing anything? No. But at the same time, I understand why people need to believe in a religion. I respect the fact that you believe in god. But respect the fact that I don't.

The war in Iraq?: As a pacifist, I am generally against wars. I have always thought that it was a bad idea. And I still do. And it's becoming even more of a horrible idea as the Iraqis strike out at the US troups and both sides' casualties rise. And Bush is allowing 20,000 more troups to go over there. How many of them are going to be killed? And have we found any weapons of mass destruction yet? Wasn't that the original reason to go to war with Iraq?

Bush?: I never liked him, and I never will. He's trying to take away the rights of women. And he's discriminating against homosexuals, while at the same time saying that discriminating against religious organizations is wrong. He's not doing nearly enough to help the poor illiterate children of this country. Basically, he's slowly taking away the rights of anyone in this country who is not a white, heterosexual upper middle class male. School violence (shootings, etc) are still on the rise and he doesn't seem to be doing anything about it... in fact, he's not in favor of stricter gun regulations. He just grates on my nerves and I really hope he doesn't get reelected. I certainly won't be voting for him.

Downloading music?: If the music industry wants people to stop downloading music, then lower the prices of CDs! They've lowered a little... but $14 for a 10-track cd? It's a little much. Downloading movies, however, is wrong.

The legal drinking age?: It should stay 21, just because lowering it would cause people to be even more irresponsible about drinking. Eventually, it would level out, and people would stop making such a big deal out of being able to drink legally at age whatever, but it would cause some serious havoc for a while.

Porn?: I don't like porn and i don't look at it or watch it. However, I don't think soft porn is that bad. Hardcore porn, on the other hand, has been proven to raise aggression in males, and that aggression is likely to be released onto a partner... which is probably some of the reason why there's so much sexual violence.

Suicide?: You really can't say anything about this unless you've been there. I have, and I don't think you can understand what goes through a someone's mind as they seriously contemplate killing themselves. So don't judge someone who commits suicide without fulling knowing their situation.

Wow, what a happy topic to end on. Blah. Back to the stats studying.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Well, I took those tests on Thursday. My hand was killing by the end of the day. Hopefully, I find out how I did on both of them tomorrow.

The dinner-dance was amazing though. So much fun. I didn't look good, but my dress sure was beautiful. I love that dress. It's kind of sad now that it's over and it isn't something to look forward to anymore. Hunger clean-up was a success too. It was kind of painful, doing yard work with only 3.5 hours of sleep, but I managed. And the people really appreciated it, so that's always nice. And Sunday was the last band concert of the year. I'm so glad we're done playing most of that music. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for 4 months without band.

In the meantime, I still have to find a job, get through finals, and... turn 21. My birthday is in almost exactly one month. Plus, Katie and I are definately living together next year, and I have to figure some stuff out for that. Plus, I still have a paper to write, a presentation to give (both due next Tuesday), a stats test to take (this Friday), and 4 finals... at least 2 of which are cumulative. Eep!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

So that easy week I thought I was going to have? Yeah. I have two tests on Thursday. I'm not a happy cookie, but perhaps I should have paid a little more attention to both syllabi (or is it syllabuses? I think it's syllabi).

I've spent the majority of the night studying. Except the hour that I spent watching the new episode of GILMORE GIRLS! Yes, GG deserves all caps. That was the first new episode in a month or so, and Dean was hinted at. Rory and her friends drunk called him (drunk calling is always a fun time... as long as you're not the one who's drunk and doing the calling) and at the end of the episode he called her back. And next week, he's actually going to be in the episode. Dean is so cute. Anyways.

Since I have lab tmo at 8 am (evil lab), I should probably go to sleep. But I saw that Tory has another survey up on her livejournal, and I can't resist a survey.

(Oh, and if you've tried to click on the 'links' button, you'll notice that you get an error. That's because I'm completely redoing my website. It might take a while, so until then, you don't get any links. Sorry)

-- name: Leah
-- current location: Milwaukee
-- eye color: brown
-- hair color: black/brown
-- height: 5'3"
-- righty or lefty: righty

-- your heritage: 100% Japanese
-- the shoes you wore today: the usual black shoes... they're going to fall apart one day.
-- your weakness: surveys :-D
-- your fears: heights, enclosed spaces, bugs of all kinds
-- your perfect pizza: veggie pizza on wheat dough from the California Pizza Kitchen. Yum!
-- goal you'd like to achieve: honestly? Become well-known as an artist. Will that ever happen? Most likely not. So I'll stick with getting a masters in social work and helping the underprivilaged.

-- your most overused phrase on AIM: "haha" probably
-- your first thoughts waking up: 'freaking alarm clock...'
-- your best physical feature: erm. My eyes maybe... except for the fact that I'm halfway BLIND. So maybe not. I don't know.
-- your bedtime: depends
-- your most missed memory: how can I miss a memory? Memories are what I get to keep forever (or until I forget them). But the thing I miss the most from my past is Breakaway... Herbie, Oshy, Brando, and the whole gang.

-- pepsi or coke: coke, as long as it's diet.
-- mcdonald's or burger king: neither. Ick.
-- single or group dates: both can be fun.
-- adidas or nike: whichever.
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: nestea
-- chocolate or vanilla: both.
-- cappuccino or coffee: both. Espresso, preferably.

-- smoke: no. It's sick.
-- cuss: me? Swear? Never.
-- sing: I love to sing. Am I any good at it? Probably not, but at least I sing in tune. Unlike a few of the current American Idol hopefuls..
-- take a shower everyday: most usually, yes.
-- have a crush(es): besides Michael Vartan? ;-) Naw, not really.
-- do you think you've been in love: no.
-- do you want to go to college: well, considering I'm AT college, I would hope so!
-- want to get married: someday, if I find the right guy, sure.
-- believe in yourself: I have my doubts. But who doesn't?
-- get motion sickness: YES. I get motion sick on buses before they even move!
-- think you're attractive: in other words, am I a narcissist? No.
-- think you're a health freak: some people think I'm a health freak because I do pilates and am a vegetarian. I'm health conscious, I guess.
-- get along with your parents: usually.
-- like thunderstorms: as long as I'm safe, I love them.
-- play an instrument: flute and piccolo

LAYER SIX: in the past month...
-- drank alcohol: yes. No more tequila for me.
-- smoked: ugh, no.
-- done a drug: does allergy medicine count? Or aleve? Actually, wait, alcohol and caffeine are drugs and I knnnoooww I've intaken those in the past month.
-- had sex: no.
-- gone on a date: no.
-- gone to the mall?: yes, but I only walked through it to get to a restaurant.
-- eaten an entire box of Oreos: sick, no.
-- eaten sushi: no. :-( My family had sushi for my mom's birthday, but of course I wasn't home.
-- been on stage: every monday, wednesday and friday for band.
-- been dumped: nope.
-- gone skating: nope. I never went skating this winter!
-- made homemade cookies: nope.
-- gone skinny dipping: nope.
-- dyed your hair: nope.
-- stolen anything: this survey, I suppose.

-- played a game that required removal of clothing: yes. But only because it was a game that I was really good at, so I think all I did was take off my socks.
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes.
-- been caught "doing something": hahahahaha... oh the memories of last year.
-- been called a tease: yep.
-- gotten beaten up: not really.
-- shoplifted: no.
-- changed who you were to fit in: a little... but I have one of those personalities that just won't be changed. I guess that's a good thing.

-- age you hope to be married: I don't know. Whenever I find the right person.
-- numbers and names of children: I want to adopt a child.
-- describe your dream wedding: oh gosh, I don't know. Nothing big. Maybe on a beach?
-- how do you want to die: in my sleep, after a long, well lived life.
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: social worker
-- what country would you most like to visit: France, Italy, Scotland, England, Ireland, China, Australia, Canada.

LAYER NINE: in a significant other..
-- best eye color: I'm partial to blue eyes...
-- best hair color: I don't know... brown?
-- short or long hair: short.
-- height: taller than me. And that's not really hard to find, seeing that I'm a shrimp.
-- best weight: uh... superficial much?
-- best articles of clothing: as long as the guy doesn't constantly wear wrinkled, dirty shirts, anything is good.
-- best first date location: umm... dinner and a movie? Do you realize how long it's been since I've been on a first date? TWO YEARS. So I have no clue.
-- best first kiss location: um... read what I wrote above.

-- number of drugs taken illegally: other than alcohol? None.
-- number of people i could trust with my life: I don't do a head count every day.
-- number of cds that i own: +50... I have no idea, really.
-- number of piercings: 3. One in each ear, and the belly button.
-- number of tattoos: none.
-- number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: eh, I have no idea.
-- number of scars on my body: I have this scar on my hand... one morning I woke up and my hand was just gushing blood. Pretty gross. One on my knee from misjudging the depth of water and scraping it on the bottom of the pool. A bunch of other ones on my legs from various horseback riding incidents.
-- number of things in my past that i regret: I really like to not regret things, but sometimes I can't help it. Right now, my regrets might be about two. 1. Not breaking quicker that one time. Grrrr. And 2. well, I'm sure you can guess who this is about...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Well, I'm back in Milwaukee. No more easter break. However, I don't have to get up early tomorrow to go to service learning, so that's nice. Anyways. Easter break was nice. I got to hang out with Tory, which is always a good time. And I got to see my dog. He's so adorable. I argued with my mom a little about my future as a social worker... she doesn't like it. For some reason, she doesn't think I should want to help underprivilaged people. I wonder what she'd think about me wanting to adopt a child someday. But other than that, it was a nice little break.

Driving back up here was uh... fun. Because I drove the rental car up (the rental is a grand am... my car is still being repaired. Should be done tomorrow), and I noticed as soon as I got on the expressway that it doesn't have power steering. It took some work keeping it in a straight line with all the wind and all that. I miss my car. My dad's driving it up tomorrow, and then driving the rental back down. Fun for him. Heh. But with the dinner-dance on Friday, Hunger Clean Up on Saturday, and the band concert on Sunday, there's really no time for me to go home this weekend.

I remembered to bring my dress back. And I found sandals to match. It's very exciting.


Monday, April 05, 2004

My computer has been acting a little weird all weekend. I don't think it enjoyed all the stuff I was doing on photoshop. I had been planning to work more on my webpage, but as a result, I didn't. For some reason, it doesn't like multi-tasking, especially if one of the programs running is WMP. Which makes me want to get rid of WMP and download WinAmp instead. But I don't think it'd make much of a difference.

I'm going home Wednesday night. No class on Thursday, Friday, or Monday. Gotta love going to a Catholic university. It gives me a chance to go get my car fixed so it can look beautiful again. Plus, I get to see all my friends. Including Bev, who I haven't seen since Christmas break! Aaaand I get to see my dog. I miss him. As usual. I'm sure some people think I have a weird attachment to my dog. But if they saw him, I think they'd understand.

The weekend after that is going to be fun as well. Friday night is the band dinner-dance, which I'm sure will be quite entertaining. I have to remember to bring back my dress... and to find shoes that match! My dress is a peach-ish color, so finding matching shoes isn't easy. But since it's spring, maybe I'll find something. Oh, and uh... lets hope I can still fit into this dress. I haven't worn it in over 2 years! Anyways, Saturday is hunger clean-up... basically community service all day. All I'm asking for on that day is nice weather. Of course, that won't happen. But so it goes. And Sunday is the last band concert. So, it's going to be a busy weekend, but not busy in an unpleasant way. Except, I'm going to have to find some time to study.

Well. That's all. Oh, wait. Tequila is bad. I'm never drinking a margarita ever again. But that's an entirely different story for another time.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I just tried to access this thing and it wouldn't show up and I had a long minute of confusion. Until I looked at the address bar on my browser and realized I spelled "intransitive" wrong. And yesterday morning, I overcooked my breakfast. I let it go in the microwave for too long and it got kind of gross.

I am definately not a morning person.

Adserve keeps popping up on my computer! It won't leave me alone! And I have 2 pop-up blockers on here and Adserve is the only one that manages to get past them both! It's REALLY annoying! I also have Adaware and I run it every day, and every day I'm deleting this stupid Adserve. But it somehow comes right on back. Stupid people who can't sell their products the NORMAL way and have to have ads for their products pop up every three minutes.

Anyways. There's still 40 more pages waiting to be read. But I read until all the letters blurred together last night. I must be a really slow reader. Am I going to have all 40 pages read in 45 minutes? Not likely. But so it goes.