I took this survey from Tory. As usual. It's more of what my opinions are on certain issues.
Abortion?: I am very pro-choice. And no, this does not necessarily mean that I would ever have an abortion. It just means that I think that females should have the CHOICE what to do with their bodies. I like knowing that, if I ever end up in the situation... which I hope I never will... I have that choice. Making abortions illegal doesn't mean people will stop having abortions. Alleyway abortions will just make a comeback. Dirty and unsafe. Plus, some women will again try to give themselves an abortion. Their preferred method? A hangar. Again, dirty and unsafe. Oh, and for the record, I am not a fan of the term "pro-life"... it is NOT the opposite of pro-choice. Anyways, I could go on and on about this topic, but that's my opinion in a nutshell.
Death Penalty?: I'm actually kinda anti- the death penalty. For one, too many innocent people are being put to death. And I'm sure criminals would rather die than live in a prison their whole life... why should they get what they want? If they committed the crime, let them rot away in a jail cell for the rest of their lives. But at the same time, all these nice prisons have to go. Why should a felon have more of a chance to get an education than a child? There are millions of illiterate children in this country, why don't we worry about them first?
Prostitution?: It's sad, wrong, and dangerous. Unfortunately, it has been going on for centuries. I'm against it, obviously, but I don't know what to do to counter it.
Alcohol?: Yeah, I drink, but not as much as I used to (and that wasn't even a lot... about once a week). I actually like the way some of the stuff tastes. But I'm not a fan of getting drunk on a regular basis or binge drinking. And if you drink and drive, I think you might be the most irresponsible people out there. You're not only putting yourself at risk, you're putting others at risk. Drink yourself into a stupor, whatever... but don't drive.
Marijuana?: Never tried it... don't really want to... I know plenty of people who smoke it. Just keep it away from me.
Other drugs?: Ugh, they're bad. And the movie Thirteen scared me, 'cause there are middle school kids doing drugs. Which is horrible.
Gay marriage?: Ohhhh boy. Where to begin... I am for gay marriage. If two people love each other, they should be allowed to get married. No matter what their sexes are. Bush is worried about the sanctity of marriage... but half of the marriages end in divorce, and numerous people cheat on their spouse. What sanctity? People say that the Bible defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman... but NOT EVERYBODY FOLLOWS THE BIBLE.
Illegal immigrants?: Hm... I dunno what to say about this, really. I just think it's kinda odd how people born in the US are automatically citizens, yet those who aren't born in this country must take a crazy test to prove their loyalty to this country. Citizens born in the US are just as likely as anyone to do bad things.
Smoking?: I know a lot of people who smoke. I think it's sick. I hate when I'm walking to class on a nice day and then I take a deep breath... and choke on the smoke of someone's cigarette. Plus, I'm always afraid someone is going to burn me with their lit cigarette as they walk around, waving the hand that is hold the cigarette. And then the smokers who spit... they should really watch where they are spitting. Smoking is another one of those rude things... it's fine that you want to give yourself lung cancer. But don't give it to everyone around you as well.
Drunk driving?: I think I said what I wanted to say above. Drunk driving is completely irresponsible and rude.
Cloning?: Cloning organs and tissue, fine. It'll help people in need of an organ transplant. But cloning entire people and animals? It kind of creeps me out.
Racism?: With Sept. 11, racism increased again. I'm currently in a class called "psychology of prejudice" so I could go on and on and on about this. But I won't. Obviously, it's bad and I don't like it. Is it inevitable? I think so.
Premarital sex?: If you're mature enough to handle what comes with sex, the emotions and the possible outcomes, then by all means, go for it. Will I have premarital sex? I have no clue. I don't think sex comes with marriage... it should come with love. Not all marriages are carried out because of love, and not all relationships with love turn into marriage.
Religion?: I'm not a religious person, I never really was. That's just the way I was raised. Do I feel like I'm missing anything? No. But at the same time, I understand why people need to believe in a religion. I respect the fact that you believe in god. But respect the fact that I don't.
The war in Iraq?: As a pacifist, I am generally against wars. I have always thought that it was a bad idea. And I still do. And it's becoming even more of a horrible idea as the Iraqis strike out at the US troups and both sides' casualties rise. And Bush is allowing 20,000 more troups to go over there. How many of them are going to be killed? And have we found any weapons of mass destruction yet? Wasn't that the original reason to go to war with Iraq?
Bush?: I never liked him, and I never will. He's trying to take away the rights of women. And he's discriminating against homosexuals, while at the same time saying that discriminating against religious organizations is wrong. He's not doing nearly enough to help the poor illiterate children of this country. Basically, he's slowly taking away the rights of anyone in this country who is not a white, heterosexual upper middle class male. School violence (shootings, etc) are still on the rise and he doesn't seem to be doing anything about it... in fact, he's not in favor of stricter gun regulations. He just grates on my nerves and I really hope he doesn't get reelected. I certainly won't be voting for him.
Downloading music?: If the music industry wants people to stop downloading music, then lower the prices of CDs! They've lowered a little... but $14 for a 10-track cd? It's a little much. Downloading movies, however, is wrong.
The legal drinking age?: It should stay 21, just because lowering it would cause people to be even more irresponsible about drinking. Eventually, it would level out, and people would stop making such a big deal out of being able to drink legally at age whatever, but it would cause some serious havoc for a while.
Porn?: I don't like porn and i don't look at it or watch it. However, I don't think soft porn is that bad. Hardcore porn, on the other hand, has been proven to raise aggression in males, and that aggression is likely to be released onto a partner... which is probably some of the reason why there's so much sexual violence.
Suicide?: You really can't say anything about this unless you've been there. I have, and I don't think you can understand what goes through a someone's mind as they seriously contemplate killing themselves. So don't judge someone who commits suicide without fulling knowing their situation.
Wow, what a happy topic to end on. Blah. Back to the stats studying.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
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