Thursday, June 03, 2004

Well, hello there. Long time no blog. Sorry about that. Just haven't felt like it, really. Even though a lot has changed since my last blog.

I dropped my summer school classes. My wisdom teeth needed to come out. They were hurting so bad they kept me from sleeping, and that just wasn't cool. I like my sleep. It keeps me (semi) sane. We like sanity.

So, now my wisdom teeth are out. They actually came out Tuesday. And I've been on pain medicine ever since. Well, actually, that was only two days ago... feels like it's been much longer. But the pain medicine makes me randomly sleepy, overly talkative, and just plain dizzy. Not all at once, thankfully. It comes in cycles. Because I'm on this medicine, I'm not supposed to operate heavy machinery... including cars. So who knows when I'll be going back to Milwaukee. I'm getting bored here at home. I want to get back up to Mil, find a job, and start making money.

Though, really, it's fine being at home. I don't have to change out of sweats or do anything strenuous. But for some reason, I have a craving for pizza. Which, of course, I cannot eat. Well, maybe I can. But I'm not about to try. Oh, and it kind of sucks that I'm really bored now. For example... I'm going to do a survey next. Beware.

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