That's right, I've changed my template. It's less pretty now, but the flower thing just wasn't working for me anymore. I guess I'm in a polka-dot-ish kinda mood. The comments thing is different too. I gave up on haloscan, which wasn't working for me properly, and am now using the comments thing provided by blogger. Less spiffy, but it works. I hope. However, I lost all the previous comments. Lets have a moment of silence for the lost comments.
Oh yes, and I've actually added a profile. Good times.
Putting it simply, I'm bored. Still no job, and the chances of getting one aren't too good. Instead, I'll be working through the school year... which should be interesting. I'm at home, too... home being Naperville, home of the extremely rude drivers. Seriously. yesterday morning, I went to Blockbuster to return a movie (Cold Mountain, very good. I think I must buy it... with all that money I have just lying around. Right). On the way out of my subdivision, I have to go past the golf club (where they have the "good" pool... but you have to pay a shitload of money to join). Cars are parked on both sides of the street, making for very careful steering (as everyone likes to park around a bend in the street, of course. God forbid they park 50 ft down the street and have to WALK that extra distance), especially if there is a car coming from the other direction. Well, I was creeping down that street when all of a sudden, a jeep pulls out in front of me. No signal, no warning that they were going to just come in front of me. Thankfully, I was going about 2 mph anyways, and I was able to brake in time. But gah! Did that idiot think that I was supposed to yield to HER? (And it was a her, with a kid, of course. What a bad driving example for the kid) Geez... drivers are more considerate in Milwaukee, sadly.
In short, being home is driving me insane (well... more insane than I already was). I need to get back to my apartment. Which isn't mine for much longer. I move into a two bedroom with my friend Katie at the end of the month. I need to get back and pack (hey, that rhymes).
Well, I'm tired and out of things to say for now. Enjoy the changes in my blog.
Monday, July 12, 2004
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1 comment:
It's so perty! Damn me having to be commenting anonymously. *moment of silence for my lost comments*
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