So, first off, apparently today is Peter O'Toole today. Two of my three profs mentioned him and a movie that he was in... and highly recommended the respective movies. I think there may be a Peter O'Toole conspiracy going on.
While I was walking back from campus, I passed one guy who was muttering to himself. And another guy who was holding his... crotch. And no, it wasn't some dirty homeless guy. It was a student. I wanted to ask him if he was afraid his balls were going to fall off if he didn't hold them in place. Or maybe he was protecting them. Just in case.
Best of all... the Right-to-Life crazy people have struck again. In the quad of the campus, the crosses are stuck into the ground (all the tiny holes they are going to leave will make the grounds maintenance people do a happy dance, I'm sure). You know which crosses I'm talking about... or you live in a cave. Which actually wouldn't be such a bad place to be when it comes to the freaking crosses that are supposed to represent tiny graves of aborted fetuses. Each cross represents two abortions. You know the schpiel.
I'm not saying that I advocate abortions. I don't think they're great and I don't go around telling every pregnant woman or woman who could become pregnant one day that they should have at least one abortion in their life, preferably four or five. But if you want to get rid of abortion, making it illegal is not the answer. Illegal abortions happened in dark, dirty alleys and other dark dirty places. And women got infections and died (look what happened to Penny in Dirty Dancing). OR the women, desperate because they absolutely could not have a child (and really, who are you to judge their situation or say 'well, they should have had the baby anyways'?), would do the abortion themselves. And the common tool used in these home abortions? A hanger. That's right, a wire coat hanger.
Instead, wouldn't it be smarter to support organizations like Planned Parenthood, who do provide abortions... but they also teach about the different types of birth control. They also inform teens about sex. It's scary how many teens are sexually active... but don't exactly know how a woman gets pregnant. They also provide extensive information on the different abortion procedures (it's amazing how many right-to-lifers don't exactly know the different methods of abortion. It's not just the crying, trembling fetus being yanked out of the womb and then the doctor smashing its head in). If you want to get rid of the need for abortions, you have to educate people.
Interestingly, the Bush administration has been cutting back funding for organizations like Planned Parenthood and backing plans to teach abstinance only... and get rid of sex ed. It's very unrealistic to think that if you teach a teen how abstinance is the only way to go, they will not have sex until they're ready to become pregnant. Teens have raging hormones... and they are curious. There will be teens who will have sex, no matter what you preach to them in the classroom. And what about the inner-city kids who don't have any type of sex ed to begin with? Is it smart to cut off places like Planned Parenthood, who try to reach out and educate them?
Wow, didn't mean to go on a whole rampage about abortion. I just get carried away. Yes, there are religious issues about how the life begins at conception... but you can't use that as the reason to make abortion illegal for EVERYBODY in the US. Not everybody is a Christian. And not everybody believes that life begins at conception. I certainly don't, and until it can be scientifically proven when life begins, I absolutely am insulted by someone else's beliefs being forced to become my own. I have a mind and I can think for myself. If you don't like abortions, don't have one. It's that simple. Don't shove your morals down someone else's throat.
Aaanyways, so how's that for a Monday rant? At least I bought some cookies n'mint chocolate (from Hersheys) to pacify me so I don't go on a rampage and rip all the crosses out of the ground and burn them ceremoniously. I'm tempted to go put some wire hangers on the big signs out on the quad.
I suppose this is what I get for going to a Jesuit university.