Oh, and on the way back from class just now, I was stuck walking behind a smoker. My throat is already irritated, thanks... it did not appreciate having to inhale cigarette smoke. Ugh.
So in Shakespeare, we just started reading Macbeth. And someone brought up the fact that a woman (Lady Macbeth) is the cause of all of the evil within the play. And how that wasn't fair. That made me think: people don't like to think of women as evil. By nature, women are supposed to be nurturing, motherly... which all adds up to "kind."
I don't buy that. Women can be just as evil as men. There's no predisposition for women to be nicer than men... it's just societal and cultural. Women are expected to be "nice." But if women are really equal to men, then women have just as much a right to be mean. I mean, ideally, it would be nice if everyone was kind to each other. But that's just not possible (apparently). However, this does not mean that I think that women have a predisposition to be evil... I don't think men do either.
Evil women in literature fascinate me. Maybe because they're better character studies. Maybe because I myself am evil.
Anyways, that's my schpiel of the day. I could blog about my fall break... but I think I'd rather sleep.
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