Monday, March 22, 2004

Yeah, another long non-entry. But I don't feel quite like sleeping yet. So here's a survey.

~*~* NAMES *~*~
1.What is your real, full name? Leah. That's all you really need to know.
2.What other names were your parents thinking about for you? um... I have no clue.
3.If you had been born of the opposite gender, what was your name going to be (according to your parents)? I don't ask my parents these things.
4. What does your name mean (if you know)? it means 'weary' in hebrew.
5. Do you like your name? I suppose. Everyone always asks if I'm Jewish though.
6. Do you know anyone else with your name? yeah, there were 2 different Leahs in my classes last semester.
7. If you could change your name, what would it be to? I'm not sure.
8. What is coolest name of someone you know? well, I know someone with the name Lorelei.
9. The wierdest? Tusharshankar. But Tory loves him, so it's okay.
10. The plainest/ugliest? aw, that's mean.

11. What is your favorite weapon? words. Verbal abuse, all the way.
12. What is your favorite genre of book? um... I don't know.
13. What is your favorite planet? Earth, I suppose. It's the only one I've been to.
14. Your favorite type of sandwich? vegetarian. From Jimmy Johns.
15. How about your favorite role playing game (if you play them)? Heh. Role playing.
16. Your favorite play? (No, not movie or TV show, PLAY) Play? As in non-musical? The Lesson, by Eugene Ionesco. Oleanna, by David Mamet. Picasso at the Lapin Agile, by Steve Martin
17. Favorite joke? A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, "hey we have a drink named after you." And the grasshopper says, "you have a drink named Phil?"
Any guesses as to why this is my favorite joke?
18. Favorite color of clothing on you? blue or red.
19. Favorite fruit juice flavor? strawberry lemonade.
20. What's your favorite thing to look up online? photoshop brushes. Because I'm nerdy like that.

21. Do you know anyone who drinks underage (if yes, how many)? yes (and more than I can count. Including myself, on occassion)
22. Smokes (if yes, how many)? I know a lot of people who smoke. Nasty habit.
23. Does drugs (if yes, how many)? a few.
24. Lost their vigrinity before being married? a lot of people...
25. Worships the devil? no one that I'm aware of.
26. Has had their life threatened? yeah, I'm sure all of our lives have been threatened at some point.
27. Do you know anyone who hates slurpees? I know people who don't know what slurpees are.
28. Give a rough estimate of how many people you know. I don't know?
29. Now how many of them are your friends? close friends? 4 or 5.
30. Where are the majority of your friends from (i.e. sports, school)? school, and with school, band.

31. Eat bugs purposely? sick.
32. Commit a crime? depends on the crime, but probably not.
33. Change your religion? what religion?
34. Lie to your parents? yes, and I have. More to my dad than my mom.
35. Jump over a waterfall? uh, no.
36. Change clothes in front of an open window? depends on what the window is facing.
37. Dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? It's much easier for a woman to dress up as a man.
38. Go out at night dressed in something like a black trenchoat and sunglasses? um. Maybe?
39. Sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? maybe.
40. Tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? Sure. I'd gladly profess my love to Michael Vartan anyday.

41. Lied to your parents about something really important? really important? No.
42. Had your life threatened? yes. Almost got flattened by a few cars. And I've fallen off of horses in kinda scary ways.
43. Stumbled across FBI secrets online? only when looking up stuff about The X-Files
44. Stayed up until the morning light talking online? yep.
45. Made people give you really weird glances? If yes, how? I always get weird looks. That's just how I am.
46. Read a Shakespeare play? Sure. Sometimes I read them for fun.
47. Talked in your sleep? What did you say? Todd used to tell me I talk in my sleep a lot. And my old roommate told me I was talking in another language once.
48. Sung at a kareoke bar? Nope.
49. Looked something up online your parents specifically told you not to look up? My parents were never really overly concerned with what I was doing on the internet.
50. Been run over... with a bike? Almost! Bikers in Tokyo are scary! Especially when you're an undersized 11 yr old.

51. Number one on your hit list? Lauren Reed. hahaha.
52. On your aol instant messaging list (Give screen names and real names, if possible)? A lot of people... I usually don't even talk to half of them though.
53. The person you talk to most online? Tory, Vicki, Cherry.
54. The person you talk to least online? the people on my "bad people" list (all 2 of them).
55. The person who calls you every other day? no one.
56. Is there anyone that dumped you when you most needed them? Yes. They're not really my friends anymore.
57. The last person you talked to on the phone with? Amanda.
58. The person/people you're with the most? Probably band people.
59. Never home? I don't know?
60. Always home? uh... I don't know? Most everyone I know is in college.

~*~*THIS OR THAT*~*~
61. Mulan or Moulin Rouge? Moulin Rouge, by a long shot. Well, in all fairness, I haven't seen Mulan.
62. 7 Up or Dr. Pepper? neither.
63. Hamsters or Gerbils? neither.
64. Rats or Mice? mice. Rats are dirty.
65. The Swings or the Slide? the swing. But not in the Sex and the City dirty way.
66. Rollercoaster or Merry-Go-Round? depends on the rollercoaster.
67. Sneakers, Sandals, or No Shoes? sandals!! I want it to be warm enough to wear them.
68. Italian or Mexican food? Italian... mmm...
69. Fast Food or Sit Down Restaurant? sit down.
70. The Sun or the Moon? both.

71. What's your favorite quote about love? this isn't a great one, or a favorite, but here we go. "Maybe getting over someone you're in love with isn't impossible. Unless, maybe you don't actually get over it. Maybe you just learn to live with it."
72. Favorite quote about friends? ummm...
73. How about about life? "You're born and then you die, and you make a lot of mistakes in between." It's from Dawson's Creek, if you can imagine that.
74. What's your favorite humorous quote? "Chicken."- Tory
75. How about the quote that makes you go, "Hmm..."? hmm?
76. The quote that makes you go, "Too true, too true." "Sure, beauty has the power to excite men. But so does a box of donuts."- Susan Jane Gilman (I think)
77. What's your favorite swear word? F-ing A
78. What's your favorite non-swear word? ummm... chicken.
79. What's your favorite thing to do on a cold day? sleep.
80. How about your favorite thing to do on a hot day? swim

81. Are there any shoes in the room? yes.
82. Underwear? just what I'm wearing.
83. Dishes, glasses, forks, spoons etc? a glass of water that I'm drinking.
84. Something unidentifiable that is very nasty looking? sick. No.
85. Money? some quarters. Tomorrow (or later today) is laundry day.
86. A TV? yup.
87. Is there a fan in the room with you? yes. I scared it though, so it's on the ceiling.
89. How about a blanket? yes, it's bonding with the couch.
90. What colors are the walls and the floor? white-ish.

91. In how many languages can you say "Goodbye?" a few.
92. And how many of those can you actually spell? a few.
93. What's your favorite way of ending a letter? (ie Sincerely, love from) yours.
94. Who's the last person you said goodbye to you, and where were they going? Vicki, she was going to sleep.
95. Is there any wierd way you say goodbye (ie Night, Smooches) G'night. But that's not weird.
96. How do you end internet conversations? uh... usually with a "bye"
97. Do you realize I'm just stalling to get to 100? whatever.
98. Have you ever seen any of these questions on any other survey before? yes.
99. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst, what would you rate this? 4
100. Say a nice word to the people you are sending this to, or who you recieved it from. Well, I got this from Tory's livejournal, so yay for Tory! And I'm not really SENDING this to people, so uh...

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