Sunday, December 12, 2004

theories of personality = Zzzzzzzz

So I figured out what was going on with my template. I fixed it and to celebrate, changed the template. This one is simple, but I like it. The dots really weren't working for me anymore.

I've been more or less studying for my theories of personality final that is on Tuesday (my first final has to be the hardest one, of course) all day. Then again, I woke up at like 11, felt like crap, realized my stomach was cramping, and went back to sleep until like 2 PM.

Yes, I'm a bum. I know this.

The only other thing I really did today is make a wallpaper of beautiful Jude Law. I want to see Closer very badly. I finally broke down and got a photobucket account. So here is the wp:

Oh, I finally got a call from Karyn at Hallmark about my work schedule over Christmas break. I start next Monday, at noon. That week alone, I work 24 hours. Not bad, considering. Since I've realized that I need to use the money I made working on election night and the band stipend on Christmas presents, this Hallmark money will go towards textbooks for next semester.

The downfall about working next Monday is that I have to work with AMK (the annoying Assistant Manager Kristyn... who tries to be all bossy, but she's two years younger than me and naive as a six year old and has a high pitched, annoying voice. I'm sure I'll say more about her in upcoming entries). I haven't worked in a year, so we'll see how much I remember... and I know she's going to be all bossy and condescending.

I suppose I'll study for a while longer... until X-Files comes on at 12:30, anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotta love AMK. Dude, you have to call me and rant. I like Hallmark rants. Haha.
