Tuesday, September 14, 2004


So I just got back from Theories of Personality class. Besides the fact that there is an endless amount of reading for that class, I like it. But today was kind of interesting, because the prof was talking about extroversion/introversion in respect to Eysenck's theory and the Five Factor Model (and if you haven't taken this class, you probably have no clue what this is, but stay with me). The prof kept saying that introversion isn't a bad thing, that it is not associated with high neuroticism. It's just a different "style".

My point being - I never thought of introversion as a bad thing. Maybe that's because I am introverted, and extremely extroverted people tend to bug me. There's just only so much loudness in a person that I can take. I know people sometimes think I'm aloof or stuck up or whatever, but really, I'm just shy and can't think of anything to say. Maybe sometimes I am being aloof. But that's just around people I know and don't really like (like AMK).

And then my professor mentioned that in the US, especially, extroversion is valued, and introversion is seen as a deviant. How very true. THEN she mentioned that not all countries are the same way. For instance, in Japan, extroversion is not as highly regarded. Which would sort of explain why my mom never forced me to interact more with peers. I suppose part of that had to do with the fact that I talk quite a bit when I'm at home, so maybe she never noticed that I've never exactly had a lot of friends. But I have friends whose parents forced them to interact more with peers when they were younger... maybe "forced" isn't the right word. More like encouraged. And my parents encouraged me to make more friends, but they never pushed me. Maybe if they had, I would have better people skills. But they didn't, and I think my people skills are fine. I just don't exercise them very much. And this is mostly by choice.

Also, one of the Five Factors is "agreeableness". And inside that is the trait "modesty." My prof then gave an example of a friend she had in college, who never dated. She would sit next to the guy she liked at a bar and everyone would be covertly telling her to flirt with him, and she just wouldn't. Hm... now doesn't that sound familiar? The reason my prof gave for her friend never dating is that she was too modest. She never thought that any guy would like her. Again... doesn't that sound familiar?

Maybe that's why I won't make a move with - ... because I'm too modest. Could very well be the case. Interesting thought.

In other news, my stomach is still giving me problems. I think maybe it is that damn Pill, because now my stomach is giving me problems in the morning. It never used to. It's never fun to wake up, be sick, then go to class. Talk about starting the day on a bad note.

Also worth noting - spyware will not leave my computer. I run Adaware every morning now, and then I leave for class, and when I come back, somehow there will be twenty pop-ups. And I'm pretty sure my pop-up blocker stopped even more. I would really like it to stop. I'm sure my poor little computer would too. Whoever uses spyware deserves to die. I'm totally not kidding.

And on that happy note, time for lab.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sknank here. Good times in Personality. You know, until that class, I never really thought about how people value extroversion, but it is so true. Damn outgoing people.

I also thought of something. Isn't it funny how we became friends? Neither of us introduced ourselves to the other - we met through Matt, and then began talking and became friends. It's funny to me seeing as we're both so introverted. :P