Thursday, September 30, 2004

slaves to routine?

First of all, I would like to say that I accurately predicted my grade on my theories of personality test. Which is NOT a good thing. I get my research methods test back tomorrow and I'm sure I did much better on that one (seeing as I actually STUDIED for it. Obsessively).

So today, in theology class (it's actually called "Christian Faith in Cultural Contexts" but fuck it. That's too long. It's just "theo"), I walk in. And someone is sitting in my seat. Actually, no one was even sitting there. There was just a bag and a jacket on the seat. Really, I didn't care, but it threw the whole seating chart off. Yes, we have an actual seating chart. And the professor actually noted that a bunch of us weren't in the right seats. And the girl who was sitting in my seat today actually sits behind me, but someone was sitting in HER seat because someone was sitting in HIS seat. This is what happens when everyone actually comes to class, I guess. It was just an annoyance because I couldn't believe it was really that big of a deal. We all got seats. Everyone was just off one seat. And dammit, it wasn't my fault.

So that makes me wonder... are we all slaves to routine? Everyone seemed to look slightly uncomfortable in the new seats. And the professor looked slightly baffled for a little bit. So the seating chart was slightly off for one day. Was it really such a big deal?

I'm currently putting together the final group project for this current section of philosophy class. Everyone was supposed to email me their Word documents by 10 PM. Unfortunately, two of the people in my group have Macs, not PCs, so it was interesting reformatting their stuff. And then I was reading through another member's contribution, and it was written in first person, which I said specifically that we SHOULD NOT do. We wrote an Honor Code, and no other school wrote any part of their HC in first person. I can't fix it because it's his work, but damn. He's the only one who did it and it annoyed me. Thankfully, after each section, I have to put who wrote it, so thankfully, the prof will know. But still.

Today has just been a negative day. I had forgotten that the first pres. debate was tonight, so ER was pre-empted. And it made me mad, because I missed Lost last night ('cause my roomie was watching a movie), and I was really looking forward to ER. Instead, I napped. Didn't really watch the debate because I can't stand Bush.

I wish this weekend was shaping up to be more interesting than it probably will be. I want to hang out with people. Including... Yes, one of these days, this person will have a name. Maybe. If not, it'll just be a big mystery. He'll just be some mystery guy I like. Unless you already know who it is.

Well, it's back to the extremely-painful-to-organize-Honor-Code. Stupid HC...

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